Digital Learning Library Reconstruction for Early Childhood Education


  • Dian Cita Sari UIN Jambi
  • Widdya Rahmalina STKIP Adzkia


reconstruction, education, childhood


The reconstruction of the digital learning space for ealy childhood education an important role in learning the Indonesian. One of them in childhood literacy learning. Aside from being a source of learning for the learning community, childhood literacy is also the basis for childhood competing in the revolutionary 4.0 era, ranging from infrastructure development, expansion and learning performance which will become an asset of Indonesia. Simultaneous collaboration efforts with multi-effect players are needed to improve the public literacy index. One of the efforts is through the Reconstruction of digital library learning for early childhood education. The analysis technique in this research is the content analysis.


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How to Cite

Dian Cita Sari, & Widdya Rahmalina. (2024). Digital Learning Library Reconstruction for Early Childhood Education. Proceeding of The International Conference of Inovation, Science, Technology, Education, Children, and Health, 3(1), 07–12. Retrieved from